How gambling distorts reality and hooks your brain?

winning the real money

According to the people the gambling is considered to be a game of chance which means they are taking it as the platform to earn money. Do you think this statement is right? Not at all, it may provide you the chance for winning the real money but if you lose more than winning you will be prone to pay a lot of money. This is the game that is created to lose money. Most of the gamblers know of it still why they are showing this much interest in gambling this is the only question that arises in everyone’s mind. To explain to you about it here it is discussed read and gets knowledge of it.

Casino environment

The count of the casino is keeping on increasing both offline and online and to grab the attention of the gamblers the casino owners decorating the casinos with light and sound effects. When the gamblers enter the casino the light and sound effects of casino machines give them an immersive experience and this becomes one of the reasons for the gambling addiction. Not only the offline casinos, but online gambling sites also provide an ultimate gaming experience to the gamblers through the flash frills and sounding effects.

Dopamine secretion

Dopamine secretion

Generally, when the result is uncertain that provokes the interest in the human beings and that increases the secretion of dopamine. Dopamine is a hormone that is released in the brain when the human in an excited state. In that case, if a gambler is more interested in gambling especially when the result is uncertain that increases dopamine secretion in double the time. According to the study the gambling distorts reality and hooks your brain probably by this dopamine hormone secretion. But still, now no studies where identified the reason for gambling addiction because people know gambling is a game of loss. In that case, how they are getting addicted to it even after knowing it is being the biggest question and now the scientists have identified dopamine may be one of the reasons for gambling addiction.


Gambling is a chance of winning money according to the gamblers but the fact is you cannot win all the time. Even though you win one or two times you will lose your money double the time you have won. But still, the gamblers bet money to gamble this is because of the kick they get from gambling. When you are gambling you cannot say you can win or lose until the last second of gambling this makes the gambler continue gambling.

The gambler should get to know the gambling affects on them and their family so that they may take steps to stop gambling.